Desk screen wall



Boordskærmvæg – sort hush

Gabriel Hush

Hush is a felt, which is why it is extra good for a screen wall – the structure of felt absorb sound. Hush creates a warm and homely feeling to the office.


Easy to mount

The desk screens are easy to mount on the desk. Place the bracket over the table top edge and strain it against the underside of the table top.

Technical information

Desk screen wall for desks

The desk screen walls are great when you want a shield between two desks or where a person is sitting open and exposed to trafic in the office. Cube Design has two kinds of desk screens: D 30 mm desk screens and D 45 mm acoustic desk screens. Both versions are sound-absorbing, but if there is a lot of noise in the room, choose the acoustic screen walls.

The desk screen walls are 550 mm high and available in the lengths as your desired desk.

The desk screen walls are upholstered in Gabriel’s Hush.

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